Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Thursday, May 6 - Mark of the Beast.... Dun, Dun, Dun!

We gathered at the house of Shelley and ate DELICIOUS pulled pork - oh my! It was so, so good.

And then - a very interesting you tube clip:

End Times & RFID Chip

In it, he talks about the mark of the beast as talked about in Revelations and how it applies to events happening in the world today.  You have to watch it to know how very close we are to completing so many things that were said to have occurred in the end times... Jesus is coming! Soon!!!

We then practiced Alice's worship song and can I just say, it sounded AWESOME! Our voices blend so well and the harmony is very cool!  I'm super excited to continue practicing and hopefully add some instrumentation with Alice's peeps from Christ Centered Ministries. 

I love my time with Shelley and Alice - Thursdays with Alice is often the highlight of my week! I'm so thankful for these beautiful women!

1 comment:

  1. Last night was awesome too! I love just "hanging out" with you guys!
