Thursday, June 17, 2010

Thursday, June 17th - No Thursday for Us...

I had an appointment in Auburn today.  It was scheduled for 1:30, but on Tuesday they called and had to reschedule - so we opted to cancel our Thursday with Alice study.  As it turned out, I got finished with the appointment at 4:00 and took the back way home - got home at 4:20 - I guess we could have met after all.  Doh!
Alice's daughter is getting married at the end of this month, so she requested that we postpone our Thursday meetings until July 1st... until then.... 

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Thursday, June 10th - Hanging Out

There is nothing like a good old BBQ and just hanging out!  That's just what we did!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Super Post - Thursday May 20, Thursday May 27, Thursday June 3

I'm so behind! So here's my first "super post"! :)

Thursday, May 20th - Alice had out-of-town guests, so we didn't have our official study. However, Shelley and I went to Starbucks, met her mom, and had coffee whilst chatting for a while. It was nice to just hang out and coffee is always delightful to me!

Thursday May 27th - Come in your PJ's, Alice said. So we all came in our pajamas - Alice even went without makeup, a huge deal for her! (She must really love us to allow that to happen, because she always says she wouldn't ever want to be seen without makeup on!) We had chili and delicious corn bread! Then we found out why we were supposed to wear our pajamas... it was an object lesson! Alice showed us a message from Joyce Meyers about putting on our spiritual clothes each day, just as we would get dressed and ready each day physically. Her message can be found here: Joyce Meyer Ministries - it was for May 19th and 20th and was entitled "What to Wear to the War".  It was really good and it made me think - I have been such a bum for the last several months because of the sleepless nights - I sometimes don't even get dressed for the day... how often do I let my spirit do the same thing???? It was a great reminder for me especially.

Thursday June 3 - In AND Through You - We met up at Alice's church, Christ Centered Ministries.  She had delicious Costco pizza and the BEST red cake ever!  After we ate, she shared her message.  In Genesis 12:1-7, it talks about how Abram (before he was Abraham) was told by God that he would not only bless him, but also his family and his posterity for generations! The point was that not only should we be grateful and utilize God's blessings in our own lives, but we should also let him work through us to help others.  In Ephesians 5:1-2 it says we should imitate God and love as Jesus did.  God is generous, kind, and loving.  Jesus was the perfect example of how we should live and his whole life was dedicated to everyone else!  Psalm 37:3 says that we should do good.   What is interesting to me, now that I have a different view of Christianity as a saved person in Christ, is that doing good now is because of the love I have for God, not because I'm afraid of what will happen if I don't.  It's love motivated, not fear motivated.   Anyway, it was a helpful reminder that even though we are growing and learning in Christ on a personal level, there comes a time when we have to become the disciple and pass it on.  We then helped Alice clean the church to drive the point home. :)

I'm so grateful for my "sisters" that I meet with each Thursday.  Even though we have all gone different ways, as far as where our church home is, our connection is so special and our time together is so awesome! Alice says it's anointed!  I like that! I concur!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Thursday, May 13 - God Can

I had a few spare coffee cans hanging around - I knew I would do something with them someday...

Well, I remembered something I had seen a few years back... a can that someone brought in to a group I was going to.  On the outside of the can it said, "When I can't, GOD CAN!" There was an opening in the top that allowed you to write the things that were out of your control that you just can't turn over.Physically writing the worries, fears or trial out, then putting them in the can, was a visual way to "turn it over to God".

So, I made a couple of God cans for Alice and Shelley with the following scriptures:

Luke 1:37(New International Version)"For nothing is impossible with God."
Psalm 55:22(New International Version)Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall.
John 16:33(New International Version)"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

We had a great dinner - roast beef and other fixings! Then we just sat around and chatted... it was so nice!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Thursday, May 6 - Mark of the Beast.... Dun, Dun, Dun!

We gathered at the house of Shelley and ate DELICIOUS pulled pork - oh my! It was so, so good.

And then - a very interesting you tube clip:

End Times & RFID Chip

In it, he talks about the mark of the beast as talked about in Revelations and how it applies to events happening in the world today.  You have to watch it to know how very close we are to completing so many things that were said to have occurred in the end times... Jesus is coming! Soon!!!

We then practiced Alice's worship song and can I just say, it sounded AWESOME! Our voices blend so well and the harmony is very cool!  I'm super excited to continue practicing and hopefully add some instrumentation with Alice's peeps from Christ Centered Ministries. 

I love my time with Shelley and Alice - Thursdays with Alice is often the highlight of my week! I'm so thankful for these beautiful women!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Thursday, April 29 - Music and Mocha Cake

We had our Thursday session at my house this week - Alice made the best French dip sandwiches and I made a salad.  The best part.... Alice made a delicious Mocha cake - I'm talking DIVINE! It was so, so good!

Then we went off into our "study" zone and Alice shared the outline for a praise song she had written.  It combines an old hymn with a new inspired song that came to Alice in the middle of the night.  She envisions multiple instruments and lots of harmony involved! She taught Shelley and I the basic melody and we recorded a rough draft of it.  Now we can all practice some harmony and sing it up next time we meet!!!

Several times in Psalms the phrase "new song" is mentioned.  "Sing to him a new song!" (Psalm 33:3) "Sing to the Lord a new song!" (Psalm 96:1)  "He gave me reason to sing a new song, praising our God." (Psalm 40:3)  Each of these scriptures has notes on NETBible as follows: A new song is appropriate because the Lord is constantly intervening in the lives of his people in fresh and exciting ways. A new song is appropriate because the Lord is constantly intervening in the world as its just king. A new song was appropriate because the Lord had intervened in the psalmist’s experience in a fresh and exciting way.
It seems the "new song" is new and fresh way to praise the Lord!

In Revelation 14: 2-3 it says: "2And I heard a sound from heaven like the roar of rushing waters and like a loud peal of thunder. The sound I heard was like that of harpists playing their harps. 3And they sang a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures and the elders. No one could learn the song except the 144,000 who had been redeemed from the earth." 
Commentary from Bible Gateway says:
They are identified first as those redeemed from the earth, and their reward is the privilege of learning a new song (v. 3). Because they are redeemed, there is reason to believe that redemption will be the theme of their song. The only "new song" mentioned before in Revelation was that of the living creatures and elders in heaven (5:9), and it was a song of redemption: "because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased men for God from every tribe and language and people and nation." It was accompanied by the music of harps (5:8), and the word for "purchased" in its lyrics was the same word used here of the 144,000 in the phrase redeemed from the earth (v. 4). This time the song comes not from the living creatures and elders themselves, but from an anonymous voice from heaven in their presence, like the roar of rushing waters and like a loud peal of thunder, and like that of harpists playing their harps (v. 2). Both the words and the music are left to our imaginations.
Exciting that such a song can only be learned by those who are redeemed - hope I'm one of 'em - that would be really cool!

Anyway, Alice wrote this "new song" in very inspired way and I'm really excited to learn it better and sing praises to God!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Thursday, April 22 - Prophetic Patterns and Parallels

Oooooooh! This study was so good! Well, really they are all good, but this one was pretty cool!

Alice shared an online sermon that she had seen by Perry Stone on a series about ancient Jewish history and customs.  The topic of this particular sermon was about how God reveals things in the Old Testament that repeat themselves in the New Testament - Old Testament ceremonies and customs were a prefiguration of Jesus Christ and his ministry.

Perry Stone talked about three different feasts from the Old Testament - The Passover, the First Fruits, and the Pentecost. Each of the elements of these were repeated in the New Testament...

The Passover Feast, as laid out in Exodus 12, discusses the lamb.  I will also list the scriptures in the New Testament that corresponds, as shown from this sermon.

Exodus Lamb / Jesus the Lamb
From the Flock - Exodus 12:3 / The Lamb of God - John 1:29
Without Blemish - Exodus 12:5 / Without Sin - 2 Corinthians 5:21
Blood on 3 Places - Exodus 12:7 / 3 Crosses on a Hill - Matthew 27:36
Roasted on a Pole - Exodus 12:8-9 / Hung on a Cross - John 19:17-18
Eaten for Health & Life - Exodus 12:11 / Communion Eaten - John 6:57
Unleavened Bread (Leaven = Sin) - Exodus 12:18 / Had no Sin in Him - 2 Corinthians 5:21
Ate Bitter Herbs - Exodus 12:8 / Given Hyssop & Vinegar - John 19:29
Defeated Death Angel - Exodus 12:12-13 / Defeated Death - Hebrews 9:15
Eaten Lamb = Redemption to all - Exodus 12:12-13 / Purchased Redemption - Galatians 3:13

He further explained the other two feasts - both with Old Testament descriptions, followed by the New Testament verses that showed the repeat of it through Jesus.  All feasts were to be a picture of something that related to Jesus and his life.

Additionally, in Exodus 19, there is a giving of the law to us and there are parallels in the New Testament that represent to return of Christ.

Giving of the Law  /  Return of Christ
Peculiar Treasure - Exodus 19:5 / Peculiar People - 1 Peter 2:9
Kingdom of Priests - Exodus 19:6 /  Kings & Priests - Revelations 5:10
Elders Before the Lord - Exodus 19:7 / Elders in Heaven - Revelations 4:10
God Came in a Cloud - Exodus 19:9 / He'll Return in the Clouds - Revelations 1:7
Sanctified Garments - Exodus 19:10 / Clean Garments of Righteousness- Revelations 1:7
God Came on 3rd Day - Exodus 19:11 / We're Raised on the 3rd Day - Hosea 6:1-2
He Came with Lightening - Exodus 19:16 / Return of Lightening - Matthew 24:27
God Came Down - Exodus 19:18 / God Will Descend - 1 Thessalonians 4:16
Sound of a Trumpet - Exodus 19:19 / Trump of God - 1 Thessalonians 4:16
Voice of God Heard - Exodus 19:19 / Voice of Arch Angel - 1 Thessalonians 4:16
Moses Went Up - Exodus 19:20 / We Will Be Caught Up - 1 Thessalonians 4:17
Sinai - Moses Communes with God - Exodus 19 / Sinai - Paul Communes with God - Gal. 1:17, 4:25

Also a noteworthy point - some people don't believe in the Rapture - the word rapture never actually appears in the Bible (neither does the word trinity, 2nd Coming or millennial reign).   However, clearly Paul taught that we would be "caught up" with the Lord when he comes! Hooray!

It was very cool to see how God designed everything to be so parallel so that we could strengthen our faith in the reality and validity of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ.