Oooooooh! This study was so good! Well, really they are all good, but this one was pretty cool!
Alice shared an online sermon that she had seen by Perry Stone on a series about ancient Jewish history and customs. The topic of this particular sermon was about how God reveals things in the Old Testament that repeat themselves in the New Testament - Old Testament ceremonies and customs were a prefiguration of Jesus Christ and his ministry.
Perry Stone talked about three different feasts from the Old Testament - The Passover, the First Fruits, and the Pentecost. Each of the elements of these were repeated in the New Testament...
The Passover Feast, as laid out in Exodus 12, discusses the lamb. I will also list the scriptures in the New Testament that corresponds, as shown from this sermon.
Exodus Lamb / Jesus the Lamb
From the Flock - Exodus 12:3 / The Lamb of God - John 1:29
Without Blemish - Exodus 12:5 / Without Sin - 2 Corinthians 5:21
Blood on 3 Places - Exodus 12:7 / 3 Crosses on a Hill - Matthew 27:36
Roasted on a Pole - Exodus 12:8-9 / Hung on a Cross - John 19:17-18
Eaten for Health & Life - Exodus 12:11 / Communion Eaten - John 6:57
Unleavened Bread (Leaven = Sin) - Exodus 12:18 / Had no Sin in Him - 2 Corinthians 5:21
Ate Bitter Herbs - Exodus 12:8 / Given Hyssop & Vinegar - John 19:29
Defeated Death Angel - Exodus 12:12-13 / Defeated Death - Hebrews 9:15
Eaten Lamb = Redemption to all - Exodus 12:12-13 / Purchased Redemption - Galatians 3:13
He further explained the other two feasts - both with Old Testament descriptions, followed by the New Testament verses that showed the repeat of it through Jesus. All feasts were to be a picture of something that related to Jesus and his life.
Additionally, in Exodus 19, there is a giving of the law to us and there are parallels in the New Testament that represent to return of Christ.
Giving of the Law / Return of Christ
Peculiar Treasure - Exodus 19:5 / Peculiar People - 1 Peter 2:9
Kingdom of Priests - Exodus 19:6 / Kings & Priests - Revelations 5:10
Elders Before the Lord - Exodus 19:7 / Elders in Heaven - Revelations 4:10
God Came in a Cloud - Exodus 19:9 / He'll Return in the Clouds - Revelations 1:7
Sanctified Garments - Exodus 19:10 / Clean Garments of Righteousness- Revelations 1:7
God Came on 3rd Day - Exodus 19:11 / We're Raised on the 3rd Day - Hosea 6:1-2
He Came with Lightening - Exodus 19:16 / Return of Lightening - Matthew 24:27
God Came Down - Exodus 19:18 / God Will Descend - 1 Thessalonians 4:16
Sound of a Trumpet - Exodus 19:19 / Trump of God - 1 Thessalonians 4:16
Voice of God Heard - Exodus 19:19 / Voice of Arch Angel - 1 Thessalonians 4:16
Moses Went Up - Exodus 19:20 / We Will Be Caught Up - 1 Thessalonians 4:17
Sinai - Moses Communes with God - Exodus 19 / Sinai - Paul Communes with God - Gal. 1:17, 4:25
Also a noteworthy point - some people don't believe in the Rapture - the word rapture never actually appears in the Bible (neither does the word trinity, 2nd Coming or millennial reign). However, clearly Paul taught that we would be "caught up" with the Lord when he comes! Hooray!
It was very cool to see how God designed everything to be so parallel so that we could strengthen our faith in the reality and validity of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ.
Nicely put Ari-Amber! I am so looking forward to discussing "music" next week! Woo Hoo!