Well, today at church, being Easter Sunday, this was the topic of our sermon. (I find it funny how God has re-affirmed many of the things I've been learning through various different sources lately!) Everyone received a little scroll which read (with inserts for our own names):
I, Jesus Christ, give complete and utter authority to Ari-Amber for the purpose of carrying out my will. Ari-Amber shall be recognized as an envoy on assignment by all who encounter her. All resources of heaven are at Ari-Amber's disposal. Any decisions made by my ambassador shall be seen and understood as though they were my own. Any resistance or interference against my attache will be viewed as an obstruction against the throne of heaven. Let it be known that reciprocity will be swift against any force that attempts to interfere, tamper, and/or obstruct the mission of my personal emissary. Whatever is permitted by Ari-Amber shall be permitted and whatever is denied shall be denied. It shall be recognized that NO authority in heaven, on earth, or under the earth is greater than mine. Mine is the ultimate authority. I give this authority to my ambassador.
Supreme Ruler of the Universe, Jesus ChristThe pastor continued on to say that the authority of God, much like a suit, must be put on, tailored to us, worn well, and passed on to others. In other words, we must handle it well in how we utilize it for the good of God in our own lives and in the lives of those we touch.
This was just so cool to have re-affirmed from the recent studies with Alice. It also made me really, really want to be baptized BY ALICE... I have asked her, but she was going to think on it. Perhaps when she heard this sermon, she was able to come up with an answer???? :)
Yes, I will baptize you Ari-Amber. I thought I would let my two daughters, JoAn and Ellen, in on this and if they want to get baptised we can do that too. Have you picked a place yet? Somewhere up in the mountains? At a lake in the woods? You let me know the when and the where and I will be there! (I've got the powah!!!!!!) God is awesome and amazing and He allows all this stuff to bless our lives because He loves us to "infinity and back". Indescribable!