Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Thursday, February 18th - Indescribable

Alice is a bible study group leader in the Women's Study groups at Foursquare. She invited her group of ladies over to her house to watch a movie on her HUGE tv!
The movie was called "Indescribable" and was basically a sermon by Louie Giglio. Prior to seeing this movie, I was really confused about the nature of God and the Godhead. I was raised to believe that God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit were three different and distinct beings. However, most of Christianity believes in the Trinity - that they are one and the same. I needed to wrap my brain around that still, but this movie really helped.
Louie Giglio used the study and discovery of stars and space to illustrate how HUGE God is. Here is a little blurb:
"The heavens are telling the glory of God, and their expanse declares the work of His hands. Night after night they remind us of just how small we are, and how huge God is. Looking out into the far reaches of the universe, we find a seemingly infinite expanse of mystery and wonder, intricately fashioned by a God of unfathomable size and power. Just a glimpse of one of the billions of visible galaxies He has formed resizes us, shrinking us, and the world we call home, to seeming insignificance in an instant. But as tiny as we may seem, the God who knows every star by name also knows yours, and mine. And in the most stunning rescue imaginable, God sent His Son to this spinning planet we call home--the Creator reconnecting us to Himself with life that never ends."
It was really eye opening for me to understand God as beyond universally BIG! Makes it even more amazing that He knows and cares about me, specifically!
But about this trinity thing - I needed to find out more...
Alice and Shelley, my bible study buddies, tried to explain it to me. Alice used the analogy of electricity. No one can really say where electricity comes from, but we know its out there everywhere (God). Electricity can be channeled through power poles for our use (Jesus). It enters our house and allows us to have warmth (Holy Spirit). Yet all along, it's the same thing throughout. One power, in different forms.
I also did some independent study and found the following scriptures insightful:
2 Corinthians 13:14 - May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. (NIV)
Grace = Jesus Christ; Love = God; Fellowship = Holy Spirit
Perhaps these are the roles each play in the whole of who God is.
The famous scripture John 3:16 came to mind and I wondered about the term "only begotten". After looking up the this passage on net.bible.org, I found that the greek word for this term, monogenh, means "one of a kind".
Ultimately, as I was able to view God as larger than any space or time, and if He is truly omnipotent, as displayed throughout the book of Revelations in saying that he is All-Powerful, then he really is able to do anything, including the logically impossible. Like, be in different places at once, or show His power in different forms in the same location.
So, I'm still studying up on this, but "one God" is starting to make more sense.


  1. Ari-Amber! This is awesome! I have told you this several times but doing this study buddy is going to bless me far more than it will bless you and Shelley. Thanks for all the work on this blogspot! It is awesome! Love you tons! Alice

  2. God is Big, really, really, BIG, REALLY REALLY BIG! And I am so small...yet He knows my name and loves me individually. He's an awesome Papa!
